11.11.2004 23:59:16
О-о-о, Тель-Авив снова рулит )
11.11.2004 23:55:40
Выграл Маккаби 93-88
11.11.2004 23:32:25
Это что? Маккаби уже выигрывает? )
11.11.2004 23:01:09
Да хоть 5 оуксов :))
Ты не переживай, я не забуду персонально тебя поздравить с проигрышем цска :)) А они ещё будут, поверь мне на слово :)
11.11.2004 22:46:29
да если чесно монопенисуально мне как закочитца , но для меня проигрыш маккаки в радость ... нет так нет ... неиспортит настроения ....

а чо я тебе хотел сказать .... типа ОУКС
11.11.2004 22:42:40
А не рано ли ты пони радуешься? :) Играть то ещё 20 минут.
11.11.2004 22:36:55
давайте я вам настроение подправлю ... нет небуду смотрите баскет:-))) он у вас в записи:-)))
11.11.2004 22:09:36
they can make sence to one person only.
i just spoke about the game, i can understand the feelings of an athlete and a person like theo when he is facing this things. The fans was yelling at him but i think that made him stronger, full him with power, a little taste of angry mixed with dissapointed and all made him proud instead of all his own people.
Great feeling to return home, and greatest when you left home as a winner.
missing things creative a stronger desire..
11.11.2004 21:44:05
2Sergio: what are you saying ... ur words aren`t really making sence...
11.11.2004 21:38:47
..у каждого человека должно быть свое мнение..
11.11.2004 21:34:51
Типа, в майке Олимпиакоса не ходили и бейсболкой их не размахивали?))
11.11.2004 21:26:06
christine, yes he congratulate them.
Ипатка переведи Кристине, что Дуда отметил, что они вели себя достойно по отношению к публике.
11.11.2004 21:08:18
i saw the game, i saw papaloukas his was worried i think about his appearnce to this game. I think some of his people was there to watch him, he was proud, and the points which scored made him strong and full of power.
i know something of this feelings.
Did he saw his family or he couldnt ? did he saw his girl, did his girl saw him?
There are people who are interesting about him, really in high level (maybe they are far or too close),not for fun, for high quality of communication, but he has misunderstanded some things, or he is too young to get it.
All good things have an end and must end somewhere cause everybody has to walk, to move on. You can not warm the food again and eat it, and it can not be as fresh as it was any more.
time has always to do with this. you can not erase, i never erase but i am moving on remember the good and learn from the bad.
He listened from fans a lot but this thing made him strong really full of power with a small taste of dissapointment but not fear, not gelous, not angry, this was that put him to another level.
i know.

Promise to my self not to spent time and energy for people who do not care and do not worth my attension. Last time was with you. promise.
11.11.2004 20:49:34
2christine: you are quite right, anyway!!!
11.11.2004 20:48:50
2 m@: yeah, you are right about the finger! he chose the right one in order not to be punished!! lol also he said in an interview after the game that he just devoted it to his family and friends who were there.. (whoever wants believes it... lol) he did the right thing, satisfied himself and his friends and didn`t insult anyone...
what about the thing u said that ivkovic said something about the greeks from the team (theo and dimos) in the changing rooms? did he congratulate them that they didn`t react to the fans?
11.11.2004 20:41:47
Ипатка, я правильно по-английски сказал, что Тео не использовал средние пальцы?
11.11.2004 20:39:12
christine, i agree. i said the same words, but i did not know what fans saying about theo.
and i said - theo used correct fingers for gestures. fans should it be grateful
11.11.2004 20:31:01
2 Arik:you think my favourite team is Siena,it`s not correct,I support CSKA Moskva!That`s all...
11.11.2004 20:30:35
2 ipatka: we do nothing but support them and the team! all the other stuff is just a joke between me and mel!
11.11.2004 20:22:09
Акуэть)))) ИМАО: Melissa and Christie, please, be careful))) we still need Papas and JR:))))
m@: как ты ухитрился оттуда выбраться?)))) Такие страсти кипят)))
11.11.2004 20:21:52
2 mel: the picture is funny!! lol yeah, and if we consider how he (the other one) played, it makes sence!! lol worse than vic!! lmao
11.11.2004 20:09:18
2Christine... lmaaoooo that pic..... and about that chocolate.. i know for sure that he didn`t eat.. but you know who he was with in one room... I guess Vic is gone, but there is someone else stealing his chocolate ;)
11.11.2004 20:08:44
2 m@: do you agree with what i said about the atmosphere and theo`s reaction?... what did u write before about duda saying sth in changing rooms about "the greeks" of cska?...
11.11.2004 20:08:37
http://www.cskabasket.com/media/?a=photo пополнение
11.11.2004 20:04:55
hello.. alone again here... lol mel left as u saw... lol
so, about the atmosphere in the game yesterday, pao fans were kind of polite, i expected them worse... they thought the 3 of us (mel, mel`s mom and i) were russian!! )) (girl lmao) they were saying very bad and insulting things in greek against theo during the whole game though (even at 1st half when he was not playing)... not all of them, but you know, it`s never all of them... theo could hear all these and he didn`t react at all. he acted as if he didn`t hear anything... (he`s got used to it, when he plays here with cska he normally faces such incidents). so when he scored the last basket, he turned to the fans and pointed them with his finger.. like meaning "i`m devoting it to you" and then turned to the other side of court and did the same. that`s all, he did nothing bad or insulting, but it made fans pretty furious and said even worse things to him... that`s all... also dikoudis was pretty passionate during yesterday`s game, he could understand too what theo was facing...

2 m@: thanx again for everything! i already watched everything - couldn`t wait! lol you`re great! i`ll mail u later for more comments!!
tsipouro is good in SMALL AMOUNTS... lol and yesterday the camera was too light!! lol oh, maybe because of the "strenght and courage it gave you!!lol i hadn`t noticed that it was written on the bottle!...
2 ipatka: thanx! don`t worry, we enjoyed it very much! i agree, theo is always the best! and i think he enjoyed it yesterday very much, playing that good against pao!)) lol

2 mel: i`m happy u`re back ok! i`ll be waiting for the photos! lol maybe we`ll show them just to m@! lol oh, and about that other subject, u`re right do not reply, not worth it(even though u`re the one to blame, but not for ur presence, but ur chocolates... know what i mean... lol he said it was still in his bag but did not show us!!lmao i`m not sure at all! lol)... lol and get that dictionary! lol they need it for sure! lmao oh, and take it easy with the ouzo!! it`s not water! lmao 1st chocolate box is near it`s end!! lmao(greetings to ur mom!) lol
11.11.2004 20:00:00
Чё это с Мелиссой??? Серёга, ты в курсах???? Она вся на экстазе, похоже)))) JR её поцеловал или что?))))
11.11.2004 19:48:40
from boottle:
"This traditional drink was born in Macedonia. This always accompanied the man of the mountains and of the sea in every event of his life offering him strenght and courage."
11.11.2004 19:33:59
Melissa, LMAO is best reacting to all posts!

Tsipouro in small amounts, in a small glass is useful in any quantities!
11.11.2004 19:21:37
2Christine ur right ;) i was lmao...
So we just got back... not going to class... eat and try to catch up on my sleep ;) Don`t really feel like reacting to some posts here... cause i know they`ll take it the wrong way... But i did lmao what they said about brown and me... lmao...you know what i mean ;) and what i`m thinking ;)but i do think i`ll send an english dictionary to moscow for him... so he can look up the word `to pass` Ya dig? ;)As soon as i took all the pictures i`ll have them developed and either i`ll scan the pics with j and theo or i`ll send them by post office... but i`m making sure no one here gets to see them lol.
To m@ thanks again for everything... i`ll see if i can still watch it all tonight... oh and don`t show those pictures you took ;) glad ya liked belgian beer... cause i`m sure liking the Ouzo christine ;)
11.11.2004 19:13:29
Изя Пинчер-Домерман (Сидоренко:
А Макаби сегодня тоже выиграет.А потом ЦСКА.И снова Макаби.Пока не встретятся.Так вот я вас спрашиваю:оно нам надо?Пусть сразу финал двух играют и все.
11.11.2004 19:00:49
вот это ствол! вот это я понимаю
11.11.2004 18:49:04
...все уважаемые доны и пердоны ....уехал я в хоккей играть :)) ....не обижайте тут Мелиссу без меня ....
11.11.2004 18:35:49
....хау дую ду ....хау дую ду ....
....я из дудки в недо уйду !!!
11.11.2004 18:35:34
Я сегодня узнал, что УГ то слил 3 игры подряд в Европе.мда, как однако время безжалостно над этой командой.
11.11.2004 18:35:05
Да, всем привет, кстати :-)
11.11.2004 18:34:32
Не удержался :-)

Говорят на РА, что с Песков :-)
11.11.2004 18:34:28
Ага оттожжем))))и зал оттожжем и пару памятников в Афинах))))))
11.11.2004 18:31:41
Дог, а щас в УСК орать што с драконом сражаццо... Вот обсадите нас сумасшедшими греками, тада отожжом)))))
11.11.2004 18:31:18
....кстати а почему не подключились еще наши израильские друзья-соперники которых тут больше болельщиков Урал-Грейта с обсуждением обрезов ?? :))))
11.11.2004 18:31:13
Правильгная нарезка бывает после большого количества алкоголя))))))))))
11.11.2004 18:29:24
...Гео ...двухствольные ...это дулы ...... а тут ствол ....разницу чуешь ? ....все дело в правильной нарезке :))
11.11.2004 18:29:02
Вот значит что у Дога будет светиться в лазерном шоу))))))))
Грибы......ствол.....свет......выезд....мама Мелли......мда.
11.11.2004 18:27:50
....балда ...не мешай мне впаривать в ПБК люминесцентные лампы вместо светящихмя палочек .... для бюджета сайта стараюсь :))
11.11.2004 18:26:51
Гео, умоляю, не продолжай про два ствола
"двуствольные" это веть...
я нетакова о тебе был мнения
11.11.2004 18:24:32
Сруктщаа, в принципе щас всё лечиццо...но если у тебя ствол светиццо, то по-ходу тебе Витёк радиоактивные грибы падагнал...кирдык тебе...)))
11.11.2004 18:24:27
...Дизель ...говорит мамман все пункты соблюла ....и даже заяву написала ....придется рассмотреть в декабре будучи проездом с коротким дружеским визитом :)))
11.11.2004 18:23:20
Дихасель, отлично отжыгали, причом контрапунктом к этому пойдут кадры с последних матчей, как "отжыгают" ребята с испанской грустью в глазах на секторе В в ряду примерно так 8м рядом с правым выходом
один такой ещо бородатый с маленьким мальчиком, который мальчик постоянно теребит мрачнова папу - пап, а пап, а как нада зажыгать за ЦСКА?
11.11.2004 18:22:30
баннеры замутили?
а пиццу?!
без пиццы выезд - не выез нифига...
а ментовку пробили?
а махач?
а фаера?
вощем - незачёт)))))
11.11.2004 18:21:54
...ага !! ...заинтересовался :))) ...это тебе не отражение нового паркета УСЗ снимать во время выступления ГП .... я тебе Серег скоро все расскажу .... и даже покажу ....если захочешь ....но чур потом не отказывайся ....ибо придет к тебе сила ....как у Джедая Оби Ван Кеноби ....и будешь ты во время лазерного шоу светиться как боевой меч !!! :)))
11.11.2004 18:17:26
Ага, внизу по торсу, вверху по баннерам:))) нам такое и не снилося))))