11.07.2018 22:16:43
PVR: In last years there has been no success on the roster, high centers and failures in the direction of play have been lacking.
I know where russians are going to play that I think they could help CSKA. Why Karasev or Klimenko prefer to play in other russian teams? That is the question.
Why do not you sign Shengelia or do not sign Wanamaker or Larkin?
Do you really think that with the same team you can win the Euroleague? already last year CSKA was not favorite in FF.
Absurd only one or two new players.
If we are going to lose as always at least play with young russians and give them chance to play and show what they are worth. Do you think that playing time that Misha Kulagin has had in these 3 years is OK?
Only 3 Euroligas in 12 years with budget of CSKA is disappointing for CSKA fans.
A greeting.
11.07.2018 19:37:14
Tropp {2018-07-11 16:42:18}:
Не одергивай искушенного болельщика!
11.07.2018 16:42:18
Далась вам эта пауза … ЧМ смотрите!
11.07.2018 15:00:23
drbad_ {2018-07-11 14:56:02}:
Надеюсь, что подпишем. И не совсем кого-нибудь ))
Просто пауза затянулась как-то.
11.07.2018 14:56:02
Юстас {2018-07-11 14:41:22}:
Ну кого-нибудь подпишем. В 12 человек играть явно не будем
11.07.2018 14:41:22
Этим летом ждём новичков, как манны небесной. А их все нет и нет …
11.07.2018 12:04:17
Other sesion without good signs and without a center of high level and same of disaster in FF.
Changes or only fight for VTBL.
I dont understand Misha Kulagin Ershov or Tonoyan get money but bench is very bad for their career.
11.07.2018 10:59:03
PVR {2018-07-11 10:45:50}:
Не обижай Джека!
11.07.2018 10:45:50
JACK {2018-07-11 00:52:55}:
Очнись чувак с фиговым английским. Карасев продлился в Зените, Клименко в Униксе, Дима К. в Лохомотиве на 3 года. Задрал писать наборы фамилий.
11.07.2018 00:52:55
Vatutin is very easy: Hackett Singleton Shengelia Karasev Klimenko D. Kulagin yes or yes.
Not same mistakes last seasons … need a big center starter foreigner.
Out rodriguez Leo Hunter and Fridzon.