
01.04.2004 02:59:39
Many plaeyers has jobe in Russia becouse tax for profit in my country is 13%. THat ones of many reason good results in Europe games
01.04.2004 02:59:01
AD, your english is well-understandable and you say right things... But they just DON`T WANT to understand... They cannot see clearly... And then they call cska fans the worst ones... You can just lagh with them... Don`t worry, the only reason is that THE ARE NOT GOING TO THE F4!! lol On court a team shows how good it is... Cska won twice although they were back in the score both times!! That shows the best team... They have always been behind real and barcha and so jealous...
01.04.2004 02:57:33
тут я......борюсь со своим плохим английскими с начиони
01.04.2004 02:57:04
Chapu Nocioni:
Team favored in two games by referees has won, not best team.
01.04.2004 02:56:08
Many plaeyers has jobe in Russia becouse tax for profit in my country is 13%. THat one of many d results in Europe games
01.04.2004 02:55:25
Chapu Nocioni, And who has won? The worse team?
01.04.2004 02:53:57
Chapu Nocioni:
Ural Great and Unics are teams of level similar to Joventut Badalona, they are worse q Tau and by much :D
01.04.2004 02:51:58
Где все наши? Неужели, кто-то может спать после такого матча?
Ходит немчура разная, ругается. Я им и ответить-то нормально не могу...
01.04.2004 02:50:46
Chapu Nocioni:
CSKA have the best names but is not the best team... The best team and plays worse than Tau :S
01.04.2004 02:47:32
2Chapu Nocioni: Why? Only because they do not play in Euroleague ULEB?
01.04.2004 02:46:58
Unics, Ural Grate and CSKA has more wons in thise year in Europe than TAU.
And you LL better see results. I am rassian and it very funny about your speech about vodka and mafia........This opinion for fools. Sorry for my English
01.04.2004 02:41:39
Chapu Nocioni: Thank,
Do not experience for us - CSKA the best club of Europe.
01.04.2004 02:38:37
Chapu Nocioni:
Unics, Ural Great is teams much worse than Tau. If Tau is team of low
class and has been better than CSKA. How is explained that?
01.04.2004 02:35:20
To cook beans the basque way is easy to be basque is not.
01.04.2004 02:33:51
Chapu Nocioni:
I am very happy for the Tau`s eliminatory :)) it has been better
than CSKA and the referees has decided the eliminatory one. I do not wish
luck you in the F4 because the CSKA and the fans are very
unsportsmanlike. With a right arbitration Tau to the F4. Alexander is a pathetic player... is very very old, and Holden is american but is nationalized Russian... is the Russian Mafia?
01.04.2004 02:33:02
Sorry for my english. Many peoples tells that CSKA and Maccabi is mafia- boolshit. Anser me: How mane russian teams plaed and goes to final FIBA. I thing that CSKA, UNICS, URAL-GRAIT is vtry strong teams. ANd you are may cry if you want. You are LOw class team. God bless you are.
01.04.2004 02:26:03
Где я???
01.04.2004 02:23:48
this is the only thing you`ve got to say??? if it was insulting calling you spanish, i`m sorry... i`m happy you agree with the rest!! :))
01.04.2004 02:23:11
Chapu Nocioni:
Christine these is basketball, non football. In basketball you and
Maccabi are the greater Mafia of Europe. We are not spanish, we are
of the Basque Country. The future champion of the F4 is the Benneton, Go
01.04.2004 02:17:07
we are not spanish. we are vaskes.

euskal herria, vaske country

01.04.2004 02:14:41
I don´t go to tel aviv because my favorite team (tau), don´t have so much moneis cskaka. I´m very very happy because my team is the best team of spain, and will be txampionship of euroleage in 2005. this edition of euroleage is manipuled. ala, a darle al vodka
01.04.2004 02:13:04
and sth to everybody who says these stupid things about cska, your jealousy is so big, you cannot admit that there is a team better than yours!! Spanish championship (ACB) is the best by now in Europe, but that does not mean spanish teams are the best!! Anyway, cska does not need your support.. They did till here without your help, and they`re gona take the cup without you!! How can you all talk about mafia and refferees?? In football there is no bigger mafia than spanish teams!! Oh please!!
01.04.2004 02:08:43
someone who saw the game either on tv or live!! Plz tell me! what gesture did theo make at the end, after the winning dunk??...
01.04.2004 02:08:28
Chapu Nocioni:
Tau has been better in the eliminatory one. CSKA has much money and a good team, but they have won to the Tau (less money but is not worse team) because the arbitration has favored to them.

CSKA is a team very dirty, the fans have moved the basket in free shots, very high music in attacks of the Tau... Posters of Fuck You Tau...:( CSKA has won both games because the referees have favored to them clearly. The leaders of the CSKA have lain on our liking in Vitoria. I say sincerely to you that really CSKA and most of the fans are very pathetics. In the F4 I am of the Skipper, of the Zalguiris or
the Benneton... CSKA and Maccabi are Mafias and a shame.
01.04.2004 02:03:17
Но у нас нервы крепче:))
01.04.2004 01:56:28
Hello, I have some nuclear torpedos if you want for the final 4 .

Good price
01.04.2004 01:55:50
Hello, I`m from Vitoria and my team is TAU BASKONIA

Congratulation for victory, but TAU BASKONIA played better than CSKA in the two games.

¡¡Always BASKONIA!!
01.04.2004 01:54:03
Гы.... :((((
01.04.2004 01:53:16
o my loviuUUU:
lai lo lai lo laaaahahhaaa!!!!

ceska!!! txa txa txa!!!
01.04.2004 01:41:36
te vas a artar de borrar:
asi borraba asi asi, venga, dale,dale.

k tocapelotas soy eh?
01.04.2004 01:40:50
borra cabron borra:
esa libertad de expresion. viva rusia
01.04.2004 01:38:27
2 AD ja dumaju shto vsio choraso jest..Cska v final four..
01.04.2004 01:36:16
и на сайте евролиги я ничего не нашел.
01.04.2004 01:32:59
на главной странице в сообщениях появилось сообщение клуба о выходе в Ф4 и статистика матча.............о аппеляции не сказано
01.04.2004 01:30:33
2 BASKONIAN FANS!!! Fight is over. Game over:) 84-82...Advice: when your loved basketball team lost,its reccomended to turn off TV, radio,internet etc...After few days you will feel better;)
01.04.2004 01:29:39
Porque escribeis in nuestro foro? Vayais fuera!!!
01.04.2004 01:21:45
U vas rebiata charosyje nervy, nu da prichodit zdes litovcy,jevreji,nu ispany prichodiat, charoso sto kitaicy ne igraet v Evrolige, a to so sriftam i jazykom byla mnoga problem;)))))
01.04.2004 01:18:55
TAU zasraci!!! CSKA i Zalgiris - the champions! Mi verim v Euroleague!
01.04.2004 01:16:47
Xuj poimiosh na etoi Evrolige 2003/2004 gde zdes sutki a gde net:))
01.04.2004 01:15:16
2 Diesel jesli tak ne dai boze praizaidiot tak uze Evroliga budet zasrancy!!! Ja nenavizu Espanov..Togda savsem mozna boikot zdelat.
01.04.2004 01:13:26
да чего тебе эти турки дались???!!!! МЫ - ЧЕМПИОНЫ!!!! И это главное!!!! :))
01.04.2004 01:11:57
АМ я понимаю что 1е апреля, но не надо после такого матча шутить))))))
01.04.2004 01:11:37
Нахожусь в офисе...Ситуация очень и очень сложная...парни, и это не первое апреля...Пиздец...всё очень серьёзно...
01.04.2004 01:07:23
...чемпионский вечер ЦСКА
01.04.2004 01:07:06
а мой адрес -- не дом и не улица, мой адрес советский союз
Маше привет
турки долб**бы, так обос*ать чемпионски
01.04.2004 01:05:36
don mio:
01.04.2004 01:05:34
а и так дома!!!! Москва - мой дом :)))
01.04.2004 01:04:18
don mio:
no tengo dinero!!!

01.04.2004 01:01:17
01.04.2004, 01:00:19

вот вам и подтверджение:(((
01.04.2004 01:00:56
да же если и правда то что думаете за то что предметы на площадку лители и за то что ивкович больше минуты говорил
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