
16.02.2004 09:41:20
Моня, аврас, Башня на площадку не выходили ... без комментариев
16.02.2004 09:08:48
Christine: check yahoo ;)
16.02.2004 08:22:30
да.. олл стар в ацтой!

черноафриканцы и прочие сами знаете кто жадины...

а остальные дураки и макаки (с) :)))
16.02.2004 07:51:05
мда.... закончился олстар :(
Кириленко :
12 минут, 1 из 3 бросков, 1 подбор, 1 горшок. итого - 2 очка
16.02.2004 03:54:10
klukluxklan, redneck, hillbillies, these people are all stupid. but so are stupid liberal retards and politically correct hippies like christine. she thinks that we should all get together, hold hands and sing a dumb hippie song on the accoustic guitar? bollocks! i want to see russia for russians and them supporting their own players for once! sure it is fine to have other players of other nations, no one is saying that is wrong but this is CSKA damnit and i want to see REAL Russians start these games! Old geezers like victor are NOT the future of russian basketball!

big deal he got 11 points, that is nothing. i want to see aleksey and bashimov get more minutes and get those starts and i bet they will get more points than victor if they are givin the chance! they need to be givin the chance to play and start more games.

so christine, we can all sing a dumb hippie song and act like we are all the same, but the fact is that we are not all the same. we are different and that is what makes us great! our differences! our cultures! this is what makes us great! but please do not disgrace the russian players and their country by letting the old geezer usa players come over and take the russian players spots! makiing the russians sit on the bench for old and boring players who will be retiring soon!

and christine, or melissa or whoever you are, please call us when your space shuttle lands and when you have exited your fantsy hippie world. i seriously doubt russians really want their country to turn into the scummy third world country that the U.S. has turned into with massive illegal immigration crushing the country and states like california, arizona, texas, nm, etc.. i doubt russians want russia to turn into the united states of russia and i doubt that europe wants to turn into the united states of europe.
no matter what you liberal hippies and gypsies may want, most russians and euros do NOT want this.

yes of course it is okay for players to play on different teams but i want to see my russian comrads play!

go CSKA!
proud russian, for russians.
16.02.2004 03:33:18
Who cares about racism? I don`t, it dosen`t sound racist to want the russian countrymen to get the playing time, it`s their country afterall!

This isn`t about racism, it`s about black stiffs getting playing time over russians. I don`t want to watch these older players who were nothing in the nba, i want to watch the future of russia. and sean never said the word "negro"(even though this means "black" in spanish), he said "black".

People can live in their sheltered white castles all they want and pretend that racism towards white euro`s dosen`t exist, but simply IT DOES EXIST. So i do not feel sorry for the black players on cska, i simply want to see tjhe russian players get the playing time. Not the old geezers.

this isn`t about racism, no matter what stupid christine the liberal retard and politically correc loser says it is. start the russians!

16.02.2004 02:15:57
Мда, Холден с Куделеным отличились в проценте трёхочковых ... (-:
16.02.2004 02:09:57
Всех с победой ... несмАтря ни на что ... !!! (-:
16.02.2004 00:32:57
всех с победой после жуткой нервозности из-за траблов с перелетом...и совсем о другом :-)

Информация о приеме в КЛС ЦСКА и льготных абонементах на Западную трибуну
16.02.2004 00:08:15
ХЕЧ,я типа опять первый... Кудя облажался,волнение...Его надо к нам ,вместо Юдина.