
09.04.2005 22:59:11
2 olxa
09.04.2005 22:56:19
нет, ничего переводить не надо, просто поговорить надо, плиз.
проблема у меня с Грецией связана, не знаю с кем поговорить. аська есть?
09.04.2005 22:53:33
2 olxa
Поговорить можно, очень плохо знаю, а что надо что перевести или чё?
09.04.2005 22:48:58
круто,то что надо, можно с тобой поговорить, очень надо, ну насчет Греции. а ты знаешь греческий?
09.04.2005 22:44:54
2 olxa
нет, из Москвы, просто я ярый фанат Папаса и Греции
09.04.2005 22:36:55
theodoros, are you from Greece?
09.04.2005 22:20:41
2 nikos
No,i tell about anything videos,maybe videos where only Theo photographed.And i think you can some information about Theo-charcter,what he like/dislike
09.04.2005 22:16:37
nikos leontiou:

to ilan

Thanks a lot my friend, i hate pao i`m olympiacos! I will come again there to have good time!

to theodoros

u mean videos from the site of cska? i have 7 of them

09.04.2005 22:12:48
Кто - нибудь знает, когда уже появится интервью Захара?
09.04.2005 21:56:42
слушайте, может уже хватит тут предсказывать результаты Ф4? всему свое время, но я уверена, что ЦСКА выиграет Евролигу!
09.04.2005 21:49:22
Фаны ЦСКА у кого какое мнение :выиграют ЦСКА EUROLEAGу ULEB ??????????????
Мы в Украине тоже радовались,когда БК"КИЕВ" попал в финал 4-х Евролиги FIBA,а потом все были безмерно счастливы,что Финал 4-х будут играть в Киеве 27-28 апреля,но на прошлой неделе обломали одной фразой весь около баскетбольный мир Украины :Финал 4-х переносят в Стамбул,т.к. в "Дворце спорта" будет же проходить Евровидение(хотя как наши готовятся и тут еще не один облом будет)и организаторы не успевают завезти аппаратуру,а другого баскетбольного зала,соответствующего Европе в Киеве нет(все застроено домами буржуев,которые теперь при новой власти не могут поделить),так что остались мы теперь без Финала 4-х,хотя этому особо никто и не удивлен,в нашей стране,к сожалению,все пока делается через задницу.
Наблюдаю за ЦСКА,безусловно на сегодняшний день и в этом сезоне команда-просто шикарная,но в последнее время какие-то заметны мелкие спады,которые при их продолжении врядли смогут сыграть положительную роль в играх Финалов,но я думаю,что тренера ЦСКА над этим работают,тем более Ивкович-мозг,стратег и мне кажется отличный психолог,ему бы книгу написать :"Работа со звездностью и методика сплаченности команды".
А у кого какие мысли по поводу финала Чемпионата росии среди команд суперлиги (кажись она у вас зовется тоже суперлигой)?????????
09.04.2005 21:38:18
Thanks a lot)
09.04.2005 21:36:17
2 Rina
09.04.2005 21:33:15
2theodoros: Could you tell me please what`s the site of Theo
09.04.2005 20:36:19
2 nikos
Do you want to add video with Theo on his site and when you want it?
09.04.2005 20:36:12
Hi Nikos!

The more of us (good people), the better, and the less of the Hooligans. I`m sure that in Athens there are also people that make Maccabi fans angry. So, we should try to influence our people.

I invite you to visit Tel Aviv again and promise you the best hospitatlity ever!

I don`t know if you`re a PAO fan, but if so, I wish you to meet us in Moscow, and if you`re not - I wish you that Efes reaches the F4 ;-).

All the best,

09.04.2005 20:25:23
nikos leontiou:

to ilan

I like the way u are thinking my friend and i agree with you 100%. But some fans of macabi with their words make my angry... I Love tel aviv i have been there several times, and i had very very good time.

I like that u can swim in the center of town and i love the bars at center. All the people are very open persons and really i want to come again! Greetins from Athens
09.04.2005 20:10:03
m@ - Thanks, I think more fans of all teams must go out against the violent atmosphere some fans are trying to create - I`m doing so in all our fan forums. I hope more fans will do so in the other team`s forums as well.

The truth is that many fans are worried about hooliganism in Moscow. I hope everybody will want to celebrate the basketball and sports, and not fight with each other.

All the best,

09.04.2005 19:50:03
m@:пока ты здесь,хочу сказать спасибо за фотки..если появятся новые...ну ты понимаешь,о чем я:)))
09.04.2005 19:34:03
Ilan - best words
09.04.2005 19:14:55
You tell me about the terroristik atmosphere in Tel-Aviv, when more than 300 paople died in Beslan, allmost 100 in railway station in Madrid and more. Your governmen canseld a frendly match agains Utah Jazz in Moscow! Do you remember why!?!?

WASSUP?! the true is painfull so you delete me?!
the true will be heared!
09.04.2005 18:46:00
Hello to all fans!

Why do you need to terrorize everybody, guys? Why don`t you want to enjoy a great sporting event in Moscow? Having fans from all around Europe go around the beautiful city of moscow singing and making this great atmosphere.

It`s the best, let me tell you. Of course we Maccabi fans want to win and prove we`re the best, and that`s like any of the other 3 participants. But that`s not a reason to curse and threat everybody.

So may the best team win - I hope it will be yellow!

Enjoy the final four, I know I did last year in Tel-Aviv.

Ilan from Tel-Aviv
09.04.2005 18:36:57
Israeli fans of Maccabi you must close your dirty,filthy mouths because not only you won`t ever again win the euroleague(you only won last year because you played at home with a terroristic atmosfere and the referees played 200%with your team...the other teams were afraid not of maccabi but of tel-aviv,there should have been no final 4 there last year...)but even because this year you will finish 4th.Panathinaikos will ... you for fun on May 6th,and then Tau on May 8th.Remember that and also that you must pray every second of your days that you won`t meet CSKA who has proven 100%that is the most complete adn powerfull team in Europe this year!
09.04.2005 18:03:15
09.04.2005 17:19:57
2 nikos
I think that sometime Theo can will be chat with his fans and ask for our questions.I waiting you
2 pantelis
I want to watch game tomorrow and fan for Olympiakos but yet i don`t know when i can do it
09.04.2005 17:13:11
nikos leontiou:

2 theodoros

I have some photos and all the statistics from his career in national team and in greek teams. What else infotmations would u like to have? I go out for coffe my friend, it is sunshine in athens and it is the only day i don`t work. See u. After 2 hours i will be back, i will ask theo when he calls me.

2 Makabi fans

You have fun! u believe macabbi and israel is the center of world u have created many problems to the world and i dont like u at all. Always all of u try to confirm u are the best in everything. No, u are not! The only thing u know to do is to be near usa to have some power! Here in greece we laugh with u beacause we say u are the usa of south Europe, do something alone, not only with the usa to be "the father" xaxaxax

What a pity, because i have been to tel aviv 5 times, i love to swim there, i love the town and more i love your nice girls!! I met a lot of them every time i was in tel aviv
09.04.2005 17:12:24
theodoros, are you watching the greek football game tomorrow?
09.04.2005 17:09:27
Kalispera pantelis.I watch game on Euroleague site and i think too that PAO must be win in Thursday because in Efes really play only Solomon
09.04.2005 17:06:13
hello guys! the game PAO-Efes Pilsen was so fucked up! the greek players should have denied to continue playing from the very beginning...and the people of euroleague should have cancelled the game. I am a fan of Olympiakos in Greece, but they deserve to win on Thursday for sure.
09.04.2005 17:00:41
2 nikos
Maybe I can go to Theo tomorrow on the game and tell with him about football?
09.04.2005 16:58:10
2 nikos
I like it, but i think you can will to add information about time when Theo have played in Greece and national Greek team
09.04.2005 16:58:10
2 nikos
I like it, but i think you can will to add information about time when Theo have played in Greece and national Greek team
09.04.2005 16:53:56
nikos leontiou:
2 theo

Yes, i created it. u like it? Now i will put some views of theo and f4 in the site, now i`m writing. I will ask him about tomorrow really! If u want to sent anything to the contacts of the site, theo will respond for sure.
09.04.2005 16:42:26
2 nikos
Do you administrator and webmaster of his site?
09.04.2005 16:41:36
nikos leontiou:
2 theo,

wait a second i m doing something at Theo`s site
09.04.2005 16:22:00
2 nikos
Tomorrow i will go to CSKA-Evraz.Maybe Theo can will can me with to football after the match?
09.04.2005 16:17:57
Дэвид - красавчик!
09.04.2005 16:13:50
2 nikos
Hello.I don`t know about Nova.I`m fan of Olympiacos, i know that they the best.
09.04.2005 16:10:08
nikos leontiou:

to theodoros

I asked theo to tell me if he knows places with Nova, he will entroduce me later, afternoon as he said. Don`t forget that Olympiacos is the best team in Greece!

To taou fans

Of course u will come to Moscow and u have a verey very good time. I also believe that the semifinal would be an interseting match. But cska has more solutions than Taoy, is more experienced after 2 f4, plays in home and i think army team will have some help from refs if it is needed like Barca and Macampi previous yeras. Y have to understand that uleb works in that way
09.04.2005 15:48:20
Хде я?!
09.04.2005 15:37:00
ЦСКА вперёд!!! Несмотря ни на что РИГА за вас. УДАЧИ против ТАУ!!!
09.04.2005 15:19:56
2 nikos
Do you know some information for me?
09.04.2005 15:15:56
Славикас, как-нить добавь меня в аську, у тебя видать стоит галка "не получать сообщения вне контакт листа" ...
09.04.2005 13:22:14
marcus brown is jewish:
CSKA, you are a wonderful team, but you have not met a worthy team up until now. meeting Maccabi is the first time you will face a good team this year. and yes, you should be scared, because we`re going to beat you!
09.04.2005 13:19:07
der Konig81:
2 Nikos.
I believe and i hope that Tau will compete in Moscow and play a hard game and if they can, obiously win the match.
09.04.2005 13:16:12
Дорогой ЦСКА!Хотя я и из САМАРЫ,но все же болею и за вас!!!Вы молодцы,отлично играете,жаль,что такой игры нет у наших ребят!!!Девид Андерсен самый клевый!!!!!!!!
09.04.2005 11:03:30
Привет всем!!! кто знает в какие сроки пройдет молодежный турнир евролиги, где будут играть и расписание турнира. Заранее спасибо за ответ.
09.04.2005 04:04:24
Chapu Nocioni:
Der Konig says: "Four teams in Final four have their chances" ---->TRUE

And nikos leontiou asks " konig do u believe tau will win in semi final?" :S

No, Tau would do well in not going to Moscow because CSKA is invincible. ------->IRONY

This Tau is far better than the Tau of the regular season, already you will see it. In the regular 6-8 with injuries and bad game. In the Top16 and Quarters 6-2 with humiliations to Climamio, Benneton and Panathinaikos and good game. The 2 defeats in Bolonia and Atenas were with the important loss of Calderon, therefore with Calderon 6-0. In my opinion the game will be very disputed and hard, like the year last in Moscow.
09.04.2005 03:38:01
nikos leontiou:

to konig 81

Hi, do u believe taou will win in semi final?
09.04.2005 03:36:24
nikos leontiou:
to christina

Xristinaki to onoma poy exo edo den einai to kanoniko, ara pos soy thimizei kati kai malista dimosiografo? telos panton, opos eipa kai ston theodoro tha mpo aurio to mesimeraki kapoia stigmi. A, parepimptontos exo kapoia sxesi me to sait toy thodori... tora pos to katalaves auto an eisa ontos xristina kai oxi kapoia alli i allos, prepei na mas to exigisis, xixi. bye
09.04.2005 03:27:47
der Konig81:
hombre chapu, pues ya ves yo aqui como en todos los sitios soy un tío de contactos jeje,ahora me ves en el acb ahora en Rusia. jeje.

Calm down. Four teams in Final four have their chances ok? so respect all the teams. I respect you so respect me and my team ok?
09.04.2005 03:22:40
nikos leontiou:

You have to find a place that excists Nova, greek satelite. The only i know is Theo and Demos the have and they gonna watch it. I will ask tomorrow morning papa if he can help you.
If u see my mes because i`m sure now u are off line i will be here at cska`s fan zone tomorrow at 3-4 Moscow time. See u my friend
09.04.2005 03:17:50
nikos leontiou:
to theo

U speak to me my friend? I show it by accident!
09.04.2005 02:21:29
Chapu Nocioni:
2 Musical Critic

" Chapu Nocioni, what you want in this guestbook?"

To read and to write xD

09.04.2005 01:58:19
Espero que el Tau gane al Cska;se lo tienen muy creido con eso de que han perdido pocos partidos y juegan con el publico de su lado
La final TAU:MACCABI;por supuesto que la gane el Tau
09.04.2005 01:55:47
I hope that the Tau wins to the Cska; they have it very conceited with it of which they have lost few parties and play with the public of his side
The final TAU:MACCABI; certainly that her gains the Tau
09.04.2005 00:43:13
2 nikos
Help me:can you ask Theo whereever in Moscow can will watch PAO-Olympiakos?