Dusko Vujosevic: Holden and Langdon are charismatic persons

Dusko Vujosevic (photo M. Serbin, cskabasket.com)
Words of Dusko Vujosevic who headed our team in the first part of past season continue the series of coaches’ remarks about retired CSKA veterans.

Dusko Vujosevic, CSKA head coach (06.2010 – 11.2010):
My first impression of meeting with them was that they are great champions who won a number of trophies in the course of their careers. I noted immediately that both are charismatic persons and I am sorry that our ways have crossed when they were closing to finish their careers.

Holden is a natural-born leader who had a hunger to win, who continued to fight for the victories despite having a number of trophies in his collection. Holden is a quick player, excellent defender, he combines the qualities of the scorer and the playmaker. At the same time I would like to remind that his career and even his life were in danger at the start of past season. There was a possibility for him to stop playing then. This fact probably prevented him from showing his maximum to start the season but he bravely moved forward, was not scared and demonstrated the same desire to play and win.

Langdon is a player who drew a lot of sympathy from me. He is exceptionally decent and emotional and at the same time magnificent player. I can only repeat that I am sorry I worked together with him so shortly. Langdon is a fantastic shooter, who reads the game and moves without the ball perfectly, he makes his shots one after another. To estimate his game fairly I will note that the team was out of rhythm in the beginning of the season, and these situations are even more difficult for the shooters, because they need to fell team’s strength to be confident. And the wins are needed for that.

I will not be surprised if they will choose to become coaches after their playing days. They have a base – they understand basketball well, and I think they can be successful as the coaches.

Also I would like to wish renewed CSKA big victories on the level of the team’s best seasons.