Two days before final

Front box offices of USH CSKA (photo
The final series of play-off between CSKA and UNICS Kazan will start in 2 days. Box-offices started to sell tickets 2 days ago, on Wednesday. After the end of the working day people comes to USH CSKA to buy tickets. We asked fans several questions and get that many of them are not regular visitors of our hall but they could not miss the final series:

Sergey, 33 years old:

- This season I was only on the one game – with Cibona. Till that I did not come to USH for several years. I liked pre-game show very much. I liked roster of CSKA – many serious legionnaires and talented Russian players like Monya and Khryapa. Brilliant atmosphere in the hall. I was satisfied very much. Now I will try to come more often. I think that CSKA will win the final series 3-1. Kazan could take one game at home. Unfortunately, I will come only on Sunday, on Monday I can not – work.

Viktor, 42 years old:

- Last time I was here in 1987 year on the game between CSKA and Zalgiris. Then I have follow CSKA games by TV and sport newspapers. But now I decided to come to decisive games. I think CSKA will win 3-1.

Alexey, 20 years old:

- I am going to the game for the first time. I support CSKA only first year and now decided to see all star players alive. I took 2 tickets to Monday game. I think that army team will won this game with 10-points advantage.

Tamara, 23 years old:

- I and my friend were practically on all home game of CSKA. I think that in the final series our team will win all three games: 3-0.

Alexander, 25 years old:

- I visit all Euroleague game and most interesting games of Superleague. Of course, I could not miss the final series because best teams of Russia will play in it. I took games for two days. I think that CSKA will win the series 3-1.