Marcus Brown signed 2-years contract

Marcus Brown (photo M.Serbin)
Today the rewarding of the army team by gold medals and Champions Cup of Russian Championship 2003/04 season took place in Moscow. Also American guard of PBC CSKA Marcus Brown signed new 2-years contract with the club.

Tomorrow player will return to USA. He will return to Mocow on September, 1 to prepare to the new season.
Sergey Kushchenko (photo M.Serbin)
(photo M.Serbin)
Theodoros Papaloukas (photo M.Serbin)
Marcus Brown (photo M.Serbin)
Mirsad Turkcan (photo M.Serbin)
Sergey Monya (photo M.Serbin)
Sergey Kushchenko (photo M.Serbin)
Alexander Gomelsky (photo M.Serbin)
Sergey Panov (photo M.Serbin)
Olga Smorodskaya (photo M.Serbin)
The Champions of Russia (photo M.Serbin)
Marcus Brown signed 2-years contract (photo M.Serbin)