In his first game for Portland at the tournament 2004 Reebok Rocky Mountain Revue in Salt Lake City, Victor Khryapa has received an injury of his leg. Forward of CSKA in the season 2002-2004 told our site about this sad news.
When and how did you receive ill-starred injury?
In the first game of the tournament with home team Utah. In the third quarter under our basket a player from opposite team has landed on my left foot. I felt pain right away and asked for substitution.
What are your impressions from the first game in the NBA, even in summer league?
Almost for two month I have not played 5 on 5, last time it was with CSKA in Norilsk. After that I was only practicing. I missed full court basketball. And here that ill-starred injury. What can I say about NBA summer league? A lot of young players, which are playing very hard and trying to show them self’s, especially in offensive end. The game is going almost without any defense.
What is your diagnose and how treatment is going?
In Salt Lake City I have made x-ray and doctors put on my leg special fixing “boot”. Yesterday I have returned to Portland, where I went threw medical exams in the hospital in the same building with the gym. They removed the “boot” and imposed plaster. We are still waiting for final diagnosis. Tomorrow morning I have another appointment to a doctor, after they should tell me final diagnose and appoint treatment.
Is it too early to talk about terms of rehabilitation?
Yes, I hope that tomorrow I will get the information.
PBC CSKA and the fans wishing to you very fast recovery and return to the team.
Thanks to all the fans. I really want it by myself. I am watching everything closely, what is happening in CSKA. I wish to the club victories in all the tournaments. Special thanks and greetings to all of our fans. I hope that their support will help the team not only at home but also during away games.