Аntonio Granger: I am glad to be a part of this team

Antonio Granger (photo G.Philippov)
Аntonio Granger: I am glad to be a part of this team

Today Antonio Granger went threw medical exam in Moscow, which showed, that a player is healthy and ready to play in PBC CSKA. After at USH CSKA a player has signed club agreement and gave press conference in front of journalist.

After signing documents newcomer of CSKA shared his impressions about transferring to our club:

I am glad to be a part of this team. For me it is a big honor to play for the club with great traditions, having in their team such a strong players and remarkable coach. I am hoping, that this year will be very special for me and for all of us. I am impatiently waiting for the beginning of a season in CSKA and I hope adequately to prove myself in this team. I assure a management of club, his president, the general director and all employees of the club, that for hundred percent I will make all from me dependent on a court and off the court for successes of army club. I am glad, that I have an opportunity to play here.

Further have followed questions of journalists:

Compare Russian, Turkish and American Basketball?

The level of European players is growing every year. In NBA players are higher and more powerful, the game is faster. In Turkish league there are two very good teams Efes and Ulker, the rest of them are lower level, but slowly tightening to the leaders. In Russian league I know only one team – this is CSKA. The name, which speaks for itself. I think, that this team is at the level of NBA.

You were one of the leaders in your former team Efes. Why did you decide to switch clubs?

This decision I was accepting with my family. We decided, that for me it will be better to switch teams and to receive real opportunity to win Euroleague.

Did you have any other offers from other clubs?

Yes, but my first and main choice – is CSKA.

What do you think, about your role in the new team?

First of all I need to speak to the coach. I am ready to work hard and do everything that I can, what coach is going to tell me.

What is your first impression of Moscow?

It is very big city. When I new that I am coming here, I started to collect information about Moscow. People told me, that it is a remarkable place, where a lot of places to go and what to look at. Warned about the amount of cars and traffic on the roads. Now, I have tasted on my self (laughing). But I am very glad, that I am here.

Are you scared of Russian winter?
I have herd a lot about it. But I am not warring about this matter. I was born in Detroit and there can be a lot of snow, maybe not as much as here. But I got use to it and you cannot scare me by it.

Are you going to bring your family to Moscow?

For sure. As soon as we will finish our pre season preparation and the trips, my family will come to Moscow.

After press conference for Antonio was organized small tour around office of PBC CSKA. By the manager of the club he received individual preparation workout prepared by coaches, which has been specified with Dusan Ivkovic by the phone.

Tomorrow Granger is going to USA. Preparation with a team he will start at the end of August – begging of September.
Antonio Granger (photo G.Philippov)
Antonio Granger (photo G.Philippov)
Antonio Granger (photo G.Philippov)
Antonio Granger (photo G.Philippov)