Tikhonenko is ready for independent work

Valery Tikhonenko (photo cskabasket.com)
Yesterday the meeting between CEO of PBC CSKA Sergey Kushchenko and the coach of the army club Sergey Tikhonenko who worked on probation in USA last two seasons took place in our office. After the meeting they both gave comments for our site:

Sergey Kushchenko:

Valery Tikhonenko is a real symbol of the army basketball. He is being held in high respect and love of our fans. We are interesting him to stay in CSKA orbit. On the other hand I understand that his wish of the independent work that’s why we made a compromise. Our club proposed him to continue the probation period in USA. But we would have no objection if he will receive proposal of the independent work.

Valery Tikhonenko:

First of all I want to thank the management of PBC CSKA for the chance to spend two years in USA on probation. I could gain new experience and knowledge which I can use in my future career. Of course, I would like to return to the coaching bridge, that’s why I and my agent are looking for the variants of the job placement.

Tikhonenko and Kushchenko (photo cskabasket.com)