To young cadets

(photo: T. Makeeva,
Last week during the Euroleague social project One Team CSKA delegation including the head of CSKA board of veterans Sergey Tarakanov and One Team coach Yakov Tarasov visited Suvorov Military School.

Army men held a clinic for 14 year-old boys, most of them are from dysfunctional families or left without parental care. Sergey Tarakanov as former army captain welcomed guys and started the class talking about the importance of warming-up. They spent enough time on it.

Army men veteran called children to dispel the myth that basketball players do not know how to run properly, and cadets ran a few laps “Proper running, bending and heated ankles – the key to successful training”. Tarakanov personally joined the stretching, as an example to inspire the guys. The popular “planking” was a real challenge for all participants, the first prize received army veteran, because the others were unable to hold out one minute – something to strive for!

The activity continued of different exercises on the ball. It should be noted that all the guys carefully approached the tasks: noticing each other’s mistakes, corrected and again and again trained the elements. The same diligence was shown by the cadets and in paired exercises, practicing standard passes and passes with resistance. The reward for hard work became a game relay, which brought a lot of joy and smiles to all participants. Enthusiastic cadets charged emotions and excellent mood.

The end of the clinic was a traditional free throws contest. Then Sergey Tarakanov presented memorable pennants to the most diligent. On a return visit, the cadets visited the USH CSKA on April 3 and took part in the ceremony of raising the shirts of the club’s veterans, one of which was their mentor Sergey Tarakanov.

(photo: T. Makeeva,
(photo: T. Makeeva,
(photo: T. Makeeva,
(photo: T. Makeeva,
(photo: T. Makeeva,
(photo: T. Makeeva,
(photo: T. Makeeva,
(photo: T. Makeeva,
(photo: T. Makeeva,
(photo: T. Makeeva,
(photo: T. Makeeva,
(photo: T. Makeeva,