With brothers on the edge

Mikhail Kulagin (photo: M. Serbin, cskabasket.com)
Playing without leading scorers our team defeated VEF with Kulagin brothers responsible for creation.

CSKA vs. VEF Riga: 82-51 (+31)

CSKA: D.Kulagin (7 + 6 rb), Augustine (6 + 3 rb), Fridzon (12 + 4 rb + 4 to), Jackson (2), Antonov (7 + 10 rb), Freeland (5 + 4 rb + 3 to), Vorontsevich (3 + 4 rb), M.Kulagin (15), Khryapa (9 + 4 rb + 5 as), Kurbanov (10 + 3 st), Hines (6)…

VEF Riga: Richard (23 + 3 st + 3 to), Gaddy (1 + 6 rb + 9 as + 7 to), Gromovs (7 + 6 rb + 4 pf), Meiers (12 + 5 rb + 4 pf), Helmanis (6 + 3 rb + 3 to + 5 pf), Labuckas (2 + 6 rb)…

Dimitris Itoudis, CSKA head coach:
Congratulations to the team with another victory. Obviously VEF was playing without its best scorer Blums, but we were trying to share playing time and play seriously. And the first half was more serious than second. Cory was able to play tonight but he has problems with his foot so we agreed that he stays on the bench if the situation allows.

Vitaly Fridzon (photo: M. Serbin, cskabasket.com)
Victor Khryapa (photo: M. Serbin, cskabasket.com)
Nikita Kurbanov (photo: M. Serbin, cskabasket.com)
Dmitriy Kulagin (photo: M. Serbin, cskabasket.com)
Semen Antonov (photo: M. Serbin, cskabasket.com)
James Augustine (photo: M. Serbin, cskabasket.com)
Kyle Hines (photo: T. Makeeva, cskabasket.com)
Joel Freeland (photo: T. Makeeva, cskabasket.com)
Andrey Vorontsevich (photo: T. Makeeva, cskabasket.com)
Aaron Jackson (photo: M. Serbin, cskabasket.com)
Joel Freeland and Dimitris Itoudis (photo: T. Makeeva, cskabasket.com)
Anastasiya Shumkova (photo: M. Serbin, cskabasket.com)
Mikhail Kulagin (photo: T. Makeeva, cskabasket.com)
Nikita Kurbanov (photo: T. Makeeva, cskabasket.com)
Kyle Hines (photo: M. Serbin, cskabasket.com)
Vitaly Fridzon (photo: M. Serbin, cskabasket.com)
Victor Khryapa (photo: M. Serbin, cskabasket.com)
Joel Freeland (photo: M. Serbin, cskabasket.com)
Semen Antonov (photo: M. Serbin, cskabasket.com)
Dmitriy Kulagin (photo: M. Serbin, cskabasket.com)
CSKA (photo: M. Serbin, cskabasket.com)
Aaron Jackson (photo: T. Makeeva, cskabasket.com)
Mikhail Kulagin (photo: M. Serbin, cskabasket.com)
Nikita Kurbanov (photo: T. Makeeva, cskabasket.com)
Watch The Team!

Mikhail Kulagin with behind the back and assist


Duration: 01:02