Different Parma

(photo: M. Serbin, cskabasket.com)
Our team will be on the basketball court on Sunday to meet Parma Perm in VTB United League game.

Pre-game breakdown

Leo Westermann remains in GMS Clinic after removal of hematoma on his left hip. Pavel Korobkov (ankle) also stays out of action..

Word to the coach

Dimitris Itoudis, CSKA head coach:
We continue the series of games this week against Parma, the team that collected totally new roster this season. They also have different ambitions, they collected young and athletic players. We have to be motivated and concentrated in this game.

Past matchups

Wins-losses: 2-0
2016-17 – VTB United League. Regular Season. CSKA – Parma: 98-74 (+24)
2016-17 – VTB United League. Regular Season. Parma – CSKA: 55-116 (+61)

Short dossier

Founded: 2012
Colors: blue, white
Home court: UPS Molot (7,000)
CEO: Alexander Bashminov
Head coach: Nikolajs Mazurs
Website: parmabasket.ru
Trophy case: Russian Cup winner (2016), SuperLeague 1 bronze winner (2016)