Minus complexes

(photo: M. Serbin, cskabasket.com)
CSKA continues a series of thematic clinics in the Boarding School of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation within the One Team, a joint social project of the EuroLeague and the clubs.

We would like to remind everyone, that the school is for the daughters of servicemen who serve in remote military garrisons, children coming from incomplete and large families, children of deceased servicemen and participants of military operations awarded with state awards for military duty.

Acceptance became the subject of the second clinic. It is an important practice and psychology pays it much attention, but to explain to teenagers what it means is simpler in practice and by power of basketball. Long lections and theories can only confuse and become boring, but information submitted in a game is perceived easily and cheerfully.

The coach and the project manager of One Team Yakov Tarasov was the first to show what acceptance is. Girls were standing in a circle and made passes to Yakov, saying, for example, something that they disliked about him, and in everyday life could offend him. It could concern his appearance, voice, manners and so on. Taking the ball, the trainer said: “Yes, that is how I am”, “Yes, I have an amusing baby face” or “Really, you are right, I am funny in the way I speak and move” and others. All these phrases could not offend the coach as Yakov accepts himself for what he is, and shows it. It is important to develop this useful quality in oneself while being a teenager, as it helps to get rid of complexes and prevents inventing new ones. It is necessary to say that the girls respected the courage of their mentor and carried out all the subsequent exercises with great pleasure, training this important quality.

(photo: M. Serbin, cskabasket.com)
(photo: M. Serbin, cskabasket.com)
(photo: M. Serbin, cskabasket.com)
(photo: M. Serbin, cskabasket.com)
(photo: M. Serbin, cskabasket.com)
(photo: M. Serbin, cskabasket.com)
(photo: M. Serbin, cskabasket.com)
(photo: M. Serbin, cskabasket.com)
(photo: M. Serbin, cskabasket.com)