The first overtime this season!

Sergey Panov (photo M. Serbin)
Marcus Brown was as usual the best scorer of CSKA with 23 points. David Andersen added 16 points and Sergey Panov for the first time this month scored double digits – 14 points.

Dynamo Moscow vs CSKA: 80-86 OT

Dynamo started the game with the 7-0 break. It took CSKA more than 10 minutes to even the score. It happened with 7.30 to go in the second quarter. But the fact did not help CSKA neither to get control on the game or to pull itself together. Once again the team let the rival to become the leader after the half time break.

Dynamo used the opportunity. With a lot of difficulties CSKA managed to even the score on the last minute of the regular time – 72-72. And in the overtime Dusan Ivkovic team started with an impressive serie 11-2 or 74-83 in total. That was enough for the team to win the game and for Dynamo to look forward for another attempt to win against CSKA.

The heado coach of CSKA Dusan Ivkovic:

It was one good dramatic game. I would like to congratulate my team with this big win. It would not become a surprise for me if Dynamo win today. They controlled the game 39 minutes. But in the end CSKA has shown that we know how to win. In the second half we could changde our defence and stop Papadopoulo. I want to wish Dynamo all the best in ULEB Cup and Russian Championship.

The head coach of Dynamo Valery Tikhonenko:

I congratulates CSKA win this win. Also I want to congratulate my team. Our guys fighted, did not give up, they have shown they we can play against CSKA. I think we are on the right way. But it is very difficult to win if you doing 22 turnovers. We need to teach right lessons from this game.

Marcus Brown (photo M. Serbin)
David Andersen (photo M. Serbin)
Theodoros Papaloukas (photo M. Serbin)
Sergey Panov (photo M. Serbin)
Jon Robert Holden (photo M. Serbin)
Antonio Granger (photo M. Serbin)
Alexey Savrasenko (photo M. Serbin)
Demos Dikoudis (photo M. Serbin)
Sergey Monya (photo M. Serbin)
Dusan Ivkovic (photo M. Serbin)