Second win in Yubileynyi

Alexey Savrasenko (photo
CSKA hold the last road game of Russian Superleague championship against Spartak in Saint Petersburg. Hosts of the parquet who want win the last ticket to play-off game the real fight against the army team:

Spartak vs CSKA: 84-90

The head coach of CSKA Dusan Ivkovic:

I think that we absolutely deserved this victory. But after the game against Real Madrid I expecyed more from my team: more rhythme and concentration. We decided to play without Dikoudis and Holden who stayed in Moscow and worked individually. Today CSKA controlled the game only in the third and the beginng of the fourth quarter. But we tried to play agressive to stop Spartak snipers: Korobov and Vorotnikov, and we did it. I with team of Saint Petersburg all the best. But we have to be more concentrade, now we are close to play-off: before it we have only one game - against Scavolini Pesaro.

The head coach of Spartak Algidras Brazis:

After such game I want to congratulate CSKA whod eserved this victory. Talking about my team, for me as a head coach it is very important that Spartak did not give up till the final buzzer. My players have shown good basketball. I am sarisfied that we lose the game against one of the best European team with only 6-points margin. I think that it is good result against the club like CSKA.
Marcus Brown (photo
Theodoros Papaloukas (photo
Antonio Granger (photo
Alexey Savrasenko (photo
Sergey Monya (photo