Ettore Messina – Head Coach CSKA

Ettore Messina (photo
Yesterday late in the evening in Treviso the CEO of PBC CSKA Sergey Kushchenko and Ettore Messina put their signatures on a document, according to which the Italian specialist will be the head coach of our club for the next three years.

Yesterday Benetton and CSKA came to the mutual agreement about preschedule termination of the contract of Messina and Italian club.

Commentary of Sergey Kushchenko:

- We have invited an eminent and titled specialist, who of course is Messina, and a coach that supports our project, with the original source of the project being Dusan Ivkovic. The essence of the project is a national idea in CSKA. We want to qualitatively raise the level of Russian players, and give them a greater chance to realize their potential. We recognize that we are taking a risk, since the level of play in the Russian championship has risen in quality, and it will grow further, and the Euroleague competition will now be for all intents and purposes without restrictions on foreign players. But we didn’t make this decision in one day; rather it was born as a result of a lengthy and painstaking analysis of the route that our army basketball is going. For sure we will have our trials and travails, but we have no doubt that in the end we will find success. We have no doubt that we are making the right choice, and hope that our confidence will be shared by our fans.