Sharon Druker: We would try to limit CSKA on some parts

Sharon Druker (photo
First CSKA rival in the Superleague – Ural Great from Perm – practiced tonight at the arena of USH CSKA. After it we asked the head coach of the team Sharon Druker to answer some questions.

Did you watch any videotapes on CSKA?

- CSKA is a very strong team. They were, they are and they will be. They have a very good roster and a good coach. We saw them play but sometimes it is not enough to see, you have to execute.

But probably you have noticed some weak points.

- Not a lot of weak points. They have good players in every position. Everyone knows his role. And we will come tomorrow and will try to do the best try to see and we will see how far we can go. Of course there are the keys and targets of the game. We will try to stay in the game.

And what are the targets of Ural Great for the game. Except to winning of course?

- To play good basketball. Or it is better to say to play right basketball. We would try to limit them on some parts. But I think that most of the game depends on the rival. We realize that it is the first home game of CSKA.

How are you going to motivate your players? What would you say them before the game?

- This is the best game for self motivation. They have just to play. We have to play as a team, together, not an individual basketball. If we would play individual , we have no chance to win not only against CSKA, against all the other teams too.