Waiting for the celebration

Hotel IL  Piccolo Castello (photo: ilpiccolocastello.com)
Today CSKA would play the last game in the Euroleague in the year of 2005. Montepaschi Siena is going to be the rival. There are 12 players on the roster of CSKA preparing for the game. They are forwards Sergey Panov, David Vanterpool, Nikita Kurbanov, Matjaz Smodis, centers David Andersen, Alexey Savrasenko, Anatoly Kashirov, guards Theodoros Papaloukas, Jon Robert Holden, Trajan Langdon, Zakhar Pashutin, Vasily Zavoruev.

The trip to Italy included a flight from Moscow to Bologna and a trip by bus to Siena . It took a team about 7 hours and it was the reason not to have an evening practice at all. With several days to go to Christmas the foreigners of the team are in the mood that can be called ‘the careful celebration expectation’. Of course everyone is looking forward to meet a family and relatives as CSKA has several days off in a row after the game. All the players scheduled to come back to Moscow by December, 27th. But on the other hand none expects the game to be an easy one. That is the reason for expectations to be careful.