CSKA was not open yesterday…

…and for that reason all staff members, players and coaches went to celebrate the New Year. Anyone calling to inquire were referred to an answering machine which honestly admitted that no one was, nor would be, in the office.

The earlier-selected “Secret-Place-for-partiers” was specially adapted for the needs of the magic emcees of the holiday. One of them was PBC CSKA General Director Sergey Kushchenko. Interesting: where else would you see the general director in the role of the emcee?

Those gathered to watch basketball clips on the big screen of which they usually only get a glimpse. The victors watch during the breaks between exchanging high-fives, pregame - in short intervals between instructions: for some from the head coach, for others from the general director.

The ticket into the party was a mobile telephone which necessarily had to be placed into a large bag, the worth of which increased with geometric progression with every new person that entered.

The first order of the night was a performance by the local Army theater consisting of absolutely everyone present. The name of the show was a general one: “The Kidnapping of Snow White”. As a result, the best Snow White of the evening was chosen. It turned out to be CSKA center Aleksander

Midway through the evening the group Diskoteka Avaria crashed the party, forcing everyone present to dance, regardless of status and “authority.”
