CSKA won the first exhibition game of the preseason

Today in Verona our team played the first exhibition game against Armani Jeans Milano, it's future opponent in Euroleague's Group D. CSKA won the game 81-63...

Armani Jeans - CSKA: 63-81 (13-26, 16-16, 13-20, 21-19)

Armani Jeans: Hawkins (21), Thomas (17).

CSKA: Zisis (11), Keyru (7 + 1 rebound), Siskauskas (2), Holden (5 + 3 rebounds + 5 assists), Lorbek (13 + 7 rebounds + 2 assists + 1 steal + 1 blocked shot), Savrasenko (3 + 2 rebounds), Vorontsevich (12 + 5 rebounds + 2 blocked shots), Langdon (7 + 2 rebounds + 1 assists + 2 steals), Shved (3 + 3 rebounds + 1 assist), Kaun (2 + 2 rebounds), Planinic (7 + 3 rebounds + 1 assist), Morris (9 + 3 rebounds).

Coaches left Matjaz Smodis and Viktor Khryapa on the bench to give them some rest and did not use youth team player Maxim Zakharov.

Ettore Messina, CSKA head coach:

- I decided not to risk leaving Khryapa and Smodis on the bench. Also during the game I stopped using Siskauskas who had some pain in his Achilles ligament. But our opponents also did not use four players. It was a typical preparation game. After the first quarter there were no doubts about the result and could play everyone.
Erazem Lorbek (photo Stefano Ceretti)
Andrey Vorontsevich (photo Stefano Ceretti)
Nikos Zisis (photo Stefano Ceretti)
Terence Morris (photo Stefano Ceretti)
Trajan Langdon (photo Stefano Ceretti)
Jon Robert Holden (photo Stefano Ceretti)
Alexey Shved (photo Stefano Ceretti)
Ramunas Siskauskas (photo Stefano Ceretti)
Erazem Lorbek (photo Stefano Ceretti)
Nikos Zisis (photo Stefano Ceretti)
Trajan Langdon (photo Stefano Ceretti)
Jon Robert Holden (photo Stefano Ceretti)