Euroleague guaranteed the second place in the tournament for Russia

Andrey Vatutin and Natalia Furaeva  (photo from archive)
Euroleague shareholders – clubs’ and leagues’ representatives – met today in Rome. As a result
the strategic plan for the 2009-12 period was approved. Andrey Vatutin and Natalia Furaeva participated in the meeting.

The meeting details.

Andrey Vatutin, CSKA CEO:

“After a many months long discussions we finally approved the plan of changes, represented during Assembly in Berlin in June 2008. Its main directions – empowering of the league in long time perspective, the change in competition system from the next season, licensing system based on the teams rankings, consideration of sports principles for qualification. This modernized rules will allow the new countries to play in Euroleague – for past 8 years it was closed for them. I can note that long-time efforts by CSKA and RBF to increase the number of Russian teams in Euroleague led to positive result. Now we can say that starting from 2009-2010 season our basketball will have two guaranteed places in Euroleague – license A for CSKA and license B for the finalist of National Championship which can be obtained directly or through qualification tournament. The necessity of the implementation of qualification is of no doubt, but the exact format and dates will be discussed jointly by Euroleague and FIBA-Europe. If the tournament will consist of 8 teams, Russia will have one spot there, if 16 – two spots. The participants of the tournament will be known after the finish of national championships. I am sure that the decisions approved will not only stabilize the situation in European basketball but they are answer the requirement of future.”