Moscow army team by the charter flight from the airport Domodedovo went to Bologna where they are going to play against local Skipper in the regular championship of the Euroleague. There are 12 players in the CSKA roster. By the decision of the coach staff Egor Vialtsev stayed in Moscow.
The flight has taken about 3 hours. Players used this time for a rest. Bologna has met our team with the good and wet weather. By the way to airport building Mirsan Turkcan made some fun for his teammates. He took a camera and made several photos of the players. Our photographer said that photos are good.
Right after accommodation in the hotel players went for the dinner. There were traditional Italian ravioli with the spinach, salad, vegetable soup and the port with the unusual sauce.
In the evening CSKA went to Paladazzo Arena for 2-hour practice. Tomorrow they will have one more practice there. This arena is more that USH CSKA and it has 5700 seats.