CSKA in Superleague: 20th game, 18th win

Zakhar Pashutin became the game best scorer (photo T. Makeeva)

URL: http://www.cskabasket.com/photo/?id=2803&one=1&lang=en
Zakhar Pashutin became the game best scorer (photo T. Makeeva)
Tomas Van Den Spiegel 12 points + 10 rebounds (photo T. Makeeva)
Sergey Panov 16 points (photo T. Makeeva)
Alexey Savrasenko 9 points + 10 rebounds (photo T. Makeeva)
Vasiliy Zavoruev (photo T. Makeeva)
Theodoros Papaloukas (photo T. Makeeva)
Nikita Kurbanov (photo T. Makeeva)
David Vanterpool (photo M. Serbin)
Vladimir Dyachok (photo M. Serbin)
Jon Robert Holden (photo M. Serbin)
Trajan Langdon (photo Y. Kuzmin)
CSKA (photo T. Makeeva)