
Balance between inside and outside offence

Balance between inside and outside offence is the next topic of ‘inside’ column. We asked CSKA coach Emanuele Molin to tell us more on the subject.

Offence: transition

When one watches the game for the first several times, it is hard to get focused on anything else then the ball moves. The team that has the ball is in the offence and that is why our current topic is the offence. Today we will have the assistance from the head coach of CSKA second team Andrei Maltsev...

The court and player positions

Today we start the new theme on our web site. The goal of it is to tell to our supporters who do not have special basketball knowledge a bit about the game. In order to make the explanations more professional we will make it with the help of CSKA coaching staff. We will start with the topic "Basketball court and player positions" by Evgeny Pashutin...